Message from the President
Dear Employees, Managers, Employers and Suppliers;
The objective of our corporate company activities is to ensure the sustainability of our company and increase our profitability by maintaining it with Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct principles such as, “being in Coherence with the Laws, Justice, Mutual Trust, Mutual Respect and Honesty” under the competitive process increasing at full speed in field of technology and communication changing at an unprecedented pace in our World today where globalization activities are being experienced led by large companies.
Each one of us we all are responsible of being helpful in describing and introducing our structure comprised of our company Dorçe Prefabrik Yapı ve İnşaat A.Ş. and all affiliate companies and branches that is a brand in the World in field of Steel Prefabricated structures. Our corporate reputation is a significant and irrevocable strategic value. Protecting and developing our reputation is all of ours part. While acting in line with the laws in every country we exercise activity, we must maintain our high standard on subject of Professional Ethics and Business Ethics and personal Code of Conduct rules (all the ethics principles basis of behaviors of the person), we must conduct our corporate activities in the light of highest ethics and professional standards.
While our company conducts its activities towards its objectives, it bears legal responsibilities against both, its internal environment and against its external environment. We must protect the environment we live in being aware of our social responsibilities and we must ensure our employees, customers, employers, goods and services suppliers and all natural and legal persons interact with DORÇE, to acquire as a learnable, developable concept our Ethics Culture that we established as specific to our enterprise.
Coherence in Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct Rules, is an important subject for DORÇE Management and on subjects regarding these rules DORÇE Management is always open to discussion. We, whose names are specified here, support these principles. We expect from all the managers, to communicate on subject of the content of the “Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct Rules” to set a good example for and to lead the values specified in the “Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct Rules”.
Furthermore, we want all our managers and employees to be loyal to the “Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct Rules” and to apply these in their daily works. Every behavior against the “Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct Rules” shall be scrutinized closely and behaviors detected as against the “Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct Rules” shall be punished by legal and/or disciplinary penalties.
Hereby, we are glad by this occasion to share with our all employees, customers, employers, goods and services suppliers and all natural and legal persons interact with DORÇE; our Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct Rules which we have considered them as a level of dignity.
CEO / Chairwoman