We are proud to announce that Dorce Inc. has been awarded for 4,000,000 safe man-hours without a lost-time injury during Qatar Project
Dorce Inc. has been awarded for 4,000,000 safe man-hours without a lost-time injury during the ongoing construction of the Integrated Workers Accommodation Camp for 4,000 man in Qatar, Doha and entered into the new year with some remarkable news.
Dorce Inc. has been received 1,000,000 safe man-hours without a lost-time injury award in 2019 within the scope of the same project. By virtue of the rules of occupational health, safety and environmental safety applied in international standards Dorce prevents possible work accidents and Dorce safety specialists ensure safe progress by performing periodical control programs and mechanisms.
We would like to congratulate all Dorce team who contributed to this success and wish everyone healthy, safe and secure days!