DORCE’s affordable and peaceful modular living spaces all around the world

With designs that reflect and bear the traces of the cultural architectural lines of the country where the project takes place, Dorce’s turnkey modular housing projects from low cost to luxury residence housing construction solutions have been meeting customers all over the world for many years.
Modular Units are designed and decorated according to your needs down to the smallest detail. Manufactured in our production facility with high technology and are shipped to site ready for use after passing detailed quality control stages so that you can rest and relax comfortably after a hard day’s work.
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Construction,Dorçe,Efficient Construction,Future Of Housing,Green Building,Innovative Housing,modern architecture,modular,Modular Living,Modular Structures,Multi Unit Modular Structures,Multi Units,Multi Units Volumetric Construction,offsite construction,Plug And Play Homes,prefab,Prefab Structures,Prefabricated,Prefabricated Construction,Ready To Use Homes,Smart Buildings,Sustainable Living,Technology In Housing,Volumetric,Volumetric Modular,Volumetric Modular Systems