Our Static Group Chief, Civil Engineer Osman SULTAN, was awarded the TUCSA Sectoral Publishing Writers Award for his book The Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structures According to TS EN 1993-1-3 Standard

With his book titled Design of Cold Formed Steel Structures According to TS EN 1993-1-3 Standard, our Static Group Chief Civil Engineer Osman Sultan was awarded by the Turkish Constructional Steelwork Associaton (TUCSA) Sector Awards Selection Committee in order to encourage our valuable scientists and experts who bring publications to the sector. He was deemed worthy of the ‘TUCSA Sectoral Publication Authors Award’.
Osman Sultan, who has honored our company with this good news and award, received his award from TUCSA President H. Yener Güreş on the 20th Structural Steel Day, which has been held since 2000 and was held in Istanbul on 20 November this year.

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