Project Description
Worker Residential City for 16.000 Man

The 16.000 worker settlement city project was completed by DORÇE on a turnkey basis, including design, engineering, infrastructure, and superstructure. The Prefabricated Modular and pre-produced heavy steel structure systems were used.
The purpose of the project;
To provide rental services to meet the vital needs of blue-collar and white-collar personnel working in the industrial cluster area in the UAE. The contract model of the project is the 40-year Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) model. The project, for which a construction period of approximately 4 years was estimated with traditional building systems. Thanks to the construction system of DORÇE it was completed in a short period of 290 days. In this way, the employer saved 3 years from the construction period and this period is included in the contract period.
Project Detail