The living complex consisting of 1,416 villas and schools, mosques, shopping malls, and hospitals have been completed by Dorce Prefabricated with reinforced concrete systems. The project highlights Dorce Prefabricated contracting identity in terms of its implementation with traditional building systems.vThe package of the project includes engineering, superstructure & infrastructure works.
Within the scope of the project, in accordance with the highest security measures, bulletproof rooms, parking garage, conference-reception, and meeting rooms, accommodation and office areas, as well as landscape and design services, engineering, superstructure, infrastructure, furniture, equipment, testing and commissioning processes have been completed on turnkey basis. The project, which has been completed in September 2019, was built as reinforced concrete with a traditional building system.
Modular Container Units, Prefabricated Modular Steel Structures and Pre-Engineered Heavy Steel Building systems used in the project were completed on a turnkey basis.
- Contratação em Geral
- Acampamentos Para Trabalhadores / Labor
- Campo de Base & Militar
- Acampamento de Refugiados & Emergência & Alojamento
- Hospital & Clínica & Centro de Saúde
- Hospitais Móveis
- Unidades de Latrina (Casa de Banho & Chuveiro)
- Habitação
- Hotel & Aldeias de Férias
- Escritórios / Embaixadas / Edifícios Administrativos
- Escola / Creche / Centro de Formação
- Oficina & Armazém & Depósito
- Estações de İnspecção de Veículo
- Esquadra de Polícia e Prisão
- Cabines de Sistema e GSM
- Módulos especialmente concebidos