The new generation working environments created from modular container units are secure cabinets with sound insulation that will provide 100% isolation from external sounds. Only an authorized user can enter / exit. These cabins, which are needed in our new working and living order, can be fixed on every floor with manually adjustable legs or can be easily moved with their wheels. These cabins are ventilated with silent fans. Smoke detectors, IP cameras and an encrypted door lock with fail-safe are provided.
Dorce Prefabricated skid containers are specially produced depending on demand and can easily be moved by means of the skids on the bottom of the container chassis.
ISO containers are used for the intermodal transport of freight. They are manufactured according to specifications from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and are suitable for multiple transportation methods such as truck, rail, or ship. These regulations define a shipping container that meets size, strength, and durability requirements.
- Contratação em Geral
- Acampamentos Para Trabalhadores / Labor
- Campo de Base & Militar
- Acampamento de Refugiados & Emergência & Alojamento
- Hospital & Clínica & Centro de Saúde
- Hospitais Móveis
- Unidades de Latrina (Casa de Banho & Chuveiro)
- Habitação
- Hotel & Aldeias de Férias
- Escritórios / Embaixadas / Edifícios Administrativos
- Escola / Creche / Centro de Formação
- Oficina & Armazém & Depósito
- Estações de İnspecção de Veículo
- Esquadra de Polícia e Prisão
- Cabines de Sistema e GSM
- Módulos especialmente concebidos