Basra University Training and Research Hospital visit


Basra University Training and Research Hospital Visit We are honored by the visits of Turkish Republic Ambassador to Baghdad Ali Rıza Güney, Turkish Republic Basra Consul General Mehmet Özgün Arman and Republic of Turkey Baghdad Commercial Counselor Ferdi Yayla, to our on going project Basra University Training and Research Hospital in Basrah, Iraq. Basrah University Training Research Hospital (446 Bed Capacity): 446 Bed Basrah University Hospital (16-Storey) is considered as Basra pearl by the senior government officials and it will be the tallest building in Basra when it is completed. The ‘Basrah University Training Research Hospital’ Project is one more..

Basra University Training and Research Hospital visit2023-06-20T15:20:45+03:00

Why should we prefer modular container houses?


Why should we prefer modular container houses? Housing deficit is a problem in cities owing to constantly increasing population. The prefabricated houses designed and manufactured by DORCE enable rapid mass housing projects to be realized in no time. Projects which have been completed by DORCE contribute to social life with their affordable prices for the people in the middle and low income groups. What are the benefits of modular container houses? Affordable Prices To build modular container houses is extremely cost effective. Prices for modular container houses vary depending on the type of building will be used and the location more..

Why should we prefer modular container houses?2023-06-20T15:44:59+03:00

Dorce Inc. and Pre – Engineered Emergency Accommodation Shelters After Earthquake in Van


Dorce Inc. and Pre – Engineered Emergency Accommodation Shelters After Earthquake in Van Emergency accommodation units have been a solution for the sheltering problem after the Earthquake which killed so many people and caused huge damages in Van. Dorce Inc. produced 3000 emergency accommodation shelters, 100 containers per a day, in 45 days in order to solve the sheltering problem of the earthquake victims. Dorce has proven its strategies against the crises successfully through its vast production capacity. The significant features of the emergency accommodation shelters produced by Dorce Inc. are fast production, easily transportable and assembly. Hard steel design more..

Dorce Inc. and Pre – Engineered Emergency Accommodation Shelters After Earthquake in Van2021-08-26T15:01:00+03:00

Dorce has been successfully completed the construction of the Duqm City Hotel in Oman


Dorce has been successfully completed the construction of the Duqm City Hotel in Oman Dorce has been successfully completed the construction of the Duqm City Hotel and the grand opening ceremony was held on January 1, 2013, at which the Dukum City Hotel opened its doors to the guests of Al Dukma. The opening ceremony was attended by the Prime Minister of Oman, Fahad bin Mahmoud, Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers of Oman, Al-Fadl bin Mahammed Al-Harti, Minister of Tourism Ahmed bin Nasser bin Hamed Al-Mahrizi, Governor of Wosta Nasser Muaadhadh bin Mohammed Al-Yakubi and Chairman of the Board more..

Dorce has been successfully completed the construction of the Duqm City Hotel in Oman2023-06-20T16:17:54+03:00

The article of the Manager of the Engineering, Design and Project Management department of Dorce Inc. was published in The INTES CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY magazine


The article of the Manager of the Engineering, Design and Project Management department of Dorce Inc. was published in The INTES CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY magazine In July, The INTES CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY magazine will publish an article by Muhsin RAHMATI, Manager of the Engineering, Design and Project Management department of Dorce, on the topic “Advantages of pre-assembled cold formed-steel prefabricated structures”. Prefabrication has recently become a preferred building model for large and repetitive buildings. Developing countries have become the biggest buyers of prefabricated buildings due to their lacking capacity to deliver suitable material to the construction site. Lack of resources such as designers, expert more..

The article of the Manager of the Engineering, Design and Project Management department of Dorce Inc. was published in The INTES CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY magazine2021-08-26T15:37:48+03:00

DORCE owned an updated version of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate as well as ISO 14001: 2015 and OHSAS 18001: 2014 Certificates


DORCE owned an updated version of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate as well as ISO 14001: 2015 and OHSAS 18001: 2014 Certificates DORCE Inc. owned an updated version of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate, which has been published with it’s expanded scope including Production, Project Site Management, Design, R&D, Engineering and Contracting Services as well as Prefabricated Buildings and Infrastructure and Housing services. We are proud to say that Turkish Standards Institution has been successfully completed the audit process of our company, by visiting the production facilities, administrative and technical units, HQ office and project department and finally our overseas more..

DORCE owned an updated version of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certificate as well as ISO 14001: 2015 and OHSAS 18001: 2014 Certificates2021-08-26T15:38:48+03:00

Rising Star of The Contracting Sector: Modular Buildings


Rising Star of The Contracting Sector: Modular Buildings The coronavirus epidemic spread rapidly all over the world and affected our lives in a very short time. This fact has led to some changes and innovations in many sectors. When we examine it on a sectoral basis, “prefabricated modular buildings”, which have been in the position of “trend topic” and widely used in many parts of the world for many years, turned into the shining star of the contracting / construction sector throughout the pandemic process. In today’s world, many criteria such as high costs, the rapid assembly of ready-made building more..

Rising Star of The Contracting Sector: Modular Buildings2021-08-26T14:55:59+03:00

Dorçe offers fast and practical solutions for the needs of various organizations including NGOs with its Modular Building Systems


Dorçe offers fast and practical solutions for the needs of various organizations including NGOs with its Modular Building Systems DORCE, as one of Turkey’s global brand, continues to offer solutions with international engineering and contracting services in the field of prefabricated modular steel structures. 40 years of experience DORCE, completes its projects to meet the needs of all kinds of organizations (such as; NATO, UN and Emegrency & Aid management organizations) with its 40 years of experience. Engineering, procurement, production, logistics, assembly, infrastructure and superstructure works, testing and commissioning are completed on a turnkey basis with in-house Engineering team. Modular more..

Dorçe offers fast and practical solutions for the needs of various organizations including NGOs with its Modular Building Systems2021-08-26T14:53:17+03:00

Pandemic Brings Further Demand for Prefabricated Modular Steel Buildings


Pandemic Brings Further Demand for Prefabricated Modular Steel Buildings Prefabricated modular buildings have become the shining star of the contracting / construction industry with the pandemic. Perception and approaches towards prefabricated modular steel structures continue to change. In the past, what spring to mind when it comes to prefabricated modular steel structures are; –  Single or double storey portable cabins, –  Monotype containers used as worker living accommodation on construction sites,, –  Simple equipped buildings that meet instant needs after natural disasters such as earthquakes, mass displacement movements and emergencies, –  Villas designed as private more..

Pandemic Brings Further Demand for Prefabricated Modular Steel Buildings2021-08-26T14:52:17+03:00

How popular is technology today and why?


How popular is technology today and why ? “Modular buildings are formed by the combination of one or more prefabricated modules. (Also defined as block-containers). Since modular buildings are also used as temporary structures in projects, they can be installed without a foundation, easily dismantled and moved to another site. Various designs can be applied according to all kinds of climatic conditions and all needs from fire, plumbing, heating and ventilation system to electrical equipment can be met. Why does the construction industry in developed countries use this “Technology” so much? Prefabricated Modular building is a process in which more..

How popular is technology today and why?2021-08-24T15:10:48+03:00
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