Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP), expected to deliver Azeri gas to both Türkiye and Europe, opened with a ceremony on June 12th, 2018 in Turkish city of Eskişehir

Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) opened with a ceremony on June 12th, 2018 in Eskişehir under the auspices of President of Turkish Republic Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and with the participation of heads of states and governments, energy ministers, executives of energy companies, senior bureaucrats from shareholder as well as Chairwoman of Dorce Inc. Ms. Suheyla Çebi Karahan and the General Manager Mr. Doruk Coşkunsu.

Dorce Inc. has successfully completed the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) works for 1,700 people Main Camps & Storage Yards within the scope of the TANAP project, in Turkish cities of Ankara and Yozgat. In addittion, Dorce Inc. has been awarded for 350.000 safe man-hours without a lost time injury during the construction of the Main Camps & Storage Yards within the framework of the TANAP project. The introduction video of the project can be reached on Dorce’s Youtube channel by clicking on link:

TANAP, with around $8.5 billion of investment and with its 1.850 km length, will deliver 6 billion cubic meters of Azeri gas to Türkiye and 10 billion to Europe per year and expected to meet about 12 percent of Türkiye’s natural gas needs.

TANAP will also connect with another pipeline to convey natural gas to European nations with the aim of reducing EU’s natural gas dependency on Russia.

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